Maximizing Your Mattress Lifespan: A Guide to Making Your Mattress Last

Most mattresses should last 7 to 10 years, but there are many variables that can influence the lifespan of the mattress. The original construction quality of the mattress, the materials used, and even the weight and sleep style of the people who sleep can all affect how long a mattress will last. The standard mattress will begin to show telltale signs of age between seven and 10 years. Therefore, once the mattress begins to reach these figures, it is best to start noticing any changes in its appearance and feel.

Are there points that aren't as firm as they used to be? Can't you sleep as well as before? While your mattress may still have a few full years to go, being able to spot problem spots before they get worse can save you a lot of back pain and sleepless nights. We spend nearly a third of our lives in bed, so a comfortable and supportive mattress is essential to help us sleep well. On average, the best mattresses and the best hybrid mattresses have a lifespan of around seven to 10 years (some last much longer). However, how long a mattress lasts depends on a few different factors.

Both groups of participants showed significant improvement in overall sleep, leading researchers to conclude that the type of mattress might not matter as much as if the mattress was new and supportive or not. Mattresses with springs and coils tend to make noise after years of use, as the springs lose their elasticity and the internal functioning of the mattress is damaged. However, mattresses are built to last, and worn edges are a clear sign that your mattress has far exceeded the average lifespan of 10 years. While some new variants are more comfortable and durable for extended use, inflatable mattresses still have one of the shortest lives of mattresses, about five years (not counting nighttime use) and a warranty of just one or two years.

Memory foam gel mattresses help to dissipate heat throughout the bed and keep it cooler at night. To find out which option is best for you, try an in-store mattress that offers a guaranteed return policy. If you're still sleeping soundly in your bed but your mattress is more than five years old or needs a little more comfort or support, consider investing in one of the best mattress covers. Different types of mattresses may require different bases, and it's important that you have the right one for your mattress.

Although each mattress has a different lifespan depending on the material, manufacturer, and use, the average lifespan of a mattress is about 7-8 years. Latex mattresses are also naturally resistant to dust mites, making them especially good for people with allergies or asthma. If you happen to sleep on a different mattress (such as in a hotel or at a friend's house) and discover that you sleep more soundly, then your own mattress could use an upgrade. You may have also changed your sleeping position, experienced a change in weight, or started sharing your mattress.

All of these things will affect whether a mattress is right for you or not. To maximize your mattress lifespan, make sure you wash your bedding regularly, use a mattress protector, clean your mattress and pillows regularly, and invest in one of the best mattress covers. With proper care and maintenance, you can ensure that your mattress will last for many years.