How Long Can You Return a Mattress After Purchase?

When you buy a mattress, it's essential to understand how long you have to return it if you're not content with it. Most mattress brands won't accept returns for the first 30 days, known as the waiting period. This is to guarantee that you give the new bed a fair chance and that your body has time to adjust to the new sleeping surface. After this period, however, most mattress in a box companies offer free returns for a long trial period.

If you don't like the bed, you can return it and get your money back. Under consumer protection law, mattress companies must issue a full refund for defective mattresses. However, they must also clearly publish their refund policy on the Internet, unless they offer a full refund in cash, store credit, or exchange within 7 days of the purchase date. If you've had the mattress for longer than 7 days, you may still be able to return it depending on the company's policy.

If you're not satisfied with your mattress and want to return it, don't worry about cluttering up landfills with practically new mattresses. According to the Federal Trade Commission, as long as mattresses meet certain labeling and processing requirements, used mattresses can be resold. This means that even if there are issues with your mattress such as sagging or loose threads, you may still be able to return it.