How do i know if a mattress has been designed to provide good breathability or not?

Basically, the test measures the flow of air below the baby by simulating that a baby is breathing on the tummy without being able to turn his head. Recently, an independent laboratory developed a way to test the breathability of crib mattresses. In this scenario, the only significant source of oxygen comes from below, which produces more air compared to a non-permeable surface. SIDS is actually a subcategory of sudden and unexpected infant death (SUID).

SUID is a term used to refer to infant death, while SIDS applies to deaths that have no demonstrable cause. The materials used in mattresses can influence the way a mattress regulates temperature well (or poorly). Breathability is important, but you can also increase airflow around the baby by using a ceiling fan or simply adding a breathable pad to the baby's waterproof mattress. The quality of the materials, construction methods, and additional features of certain models will influence the quality of a particular mattress for you.

With a luxurious designer finish, the Naturepedic Organic Breathable Ultra crib mattress (2 levels) combines breathability and waterproofness for a safer, healthier and more hygienic crib mattress design. Finding a mattress with cooling may be your top priority, but you'll also want to consider other mattress features when buying. It's also why I personally use and recommend an eco-friendly crib mattress, and that's why I don't recommend buying second-hand mattresses, unless you can trust the source and use a polyethylene mattress cover. Soft mattresses are better for strict side sleepers and those who sleep with less weight, while firm mattresses provide ample support for people who sleep on their backs and stomachs and people with back pain.

The more deformable surface of the PurFlo mattress can cause the sleeping bag to insulate more effectively, despite the mattress's lack of insulation. The type of mattress is important when determining how warm a mattress will be, but it's not the only thing to consider. These mattresses are made from a variety of materials, so please check them carefully when buying a breathable crib mattress. You can get the best of both worlds by using the Naturepedic breathable crib mattress cover over an organic crib mattress.

That's why I think mattress companies are going too far in announcing the safety benefits of breathable crib mattresses. If you're sleeping hot on your mattress but aren't ready to change it, a mattress topper might help you temporarily. And since the mattress cover doesn't prevent liquids from penetrating the mattress, you actually have to wash the mattress itself. A hybrid mattress uses coil springs, so you get the proven support, deepest compression, and classic responsiveness of a traditional mattress.

These mattresses incorporate phase change materials (PCM) that absorb and dissipate body heat so that it is not trapped in the mattress, as is the case with traditional memory foam.